Saturday, October 4, 2008

Struggling to be heard (Ch 5)

It is true that we encounter an enormous number of corporate messages daily through various media such as TV, radio, internet or junk mail. I understand the need for companies to be heard and to send a clear message to potential customers. However, as a customer, I often feel overwhelmed by messages and by choices. Some companies even go too far in how they send their message. I remember a specific instance where a company send me a weekly letter for me to apply to their credit card. They send me letters weekly for over a year. I finally had to reply to the company and tell them that I was considering these letters as “harassment”. They stopped sending me the letters. Finding the right message and the right amount of communication is difficult and a constant struggle for companies. Very few achieve success without over communicating.


PinkLady said...

I agree that companies sometimes go way to far in trying to send their messages. I too have been the recipient of weekly letters, and despite numerous phone calls requesting them to stop, I still get the letters. The worst are telemarketing calls. Although I don't mind getting a telemarketing call once in a while, it is annoying when the telemarketer will not hang up or stop calling even when we ask them to. So I think companies need to be more aware of the fact that not everyone enjoys being being bothered and respect the customers wishes not to be contacted. By respecting our wishes and stopping communication when requested, they would be sending a message that they care.

crives said...

I think it is truly a struggle for companies to communicate to their audience these days. There are so many messages coming from every direction that not only do the recipients not know what to do with them the companies do not know how to break through the clutter. It is a hassle for us to sort through these messages but it is difficult for companies to get their message out without repetition. Some companies cannot afford large expensive prime time television ads and all they can do is send a postcard every other week but if they did not do anything then they would never reach anyone. It is a fine line to balance between message overload and finding what you need when you need. That is what these companies are hoping for, that the day that you wake up and realize that you need a new credit card that their application is sitting on your kitchen table.

Mansoor said...

Every company has a desire to see it's product in the market and, that too, in the forefront. So, to fulfill this desire they devise new ways of promoting themselves and the products that they offer. But we often see that the ways they devise of selling their product sometimes crosses the line and becomes a constant nuisance. This harassment (as some people see it) not only disturbs the people it also puts a shadow on the image of the company. It also serves to tarnish their image and people start turning away from it. This leads to the product being marketed to fall out from the market. All they need to do is that devise new and attractive ways of promoting their products that will not drive people up the wall but portray an image that they care about the consumers.