Saturday, August 30, 2008

This first chapter offers a fascinating context for this class and allowed me to think and observe changes around me. The concept of 'making the invisible visible' and reflecting on how I have been taking all the tools I use daily for granted caught my attention. I have been using the internet for 15 years. It is such an important part of my life that I do not know how I functioned before. The internet does become 'visible' when I do not have access to it. When that happens I reflect on all the 'technology tools' I have at my disposal to function in this world. The list is long and at then end I wonder if my life is better for that or not. 


Professor Cyborg said...

I also like how the book starts out by emphasizing the notion of making the invisible visible. So much of organizing we simply take for granted. This class should get you to start questioning what's done and why it's done. Good point about how the internet has become invisible, just a regular part of everyday life--at least for some people.

Hapa said...

This topic of "making the invisible visible" made me nostalgic. As you mentioned, many tools are taken for granted.

I started thinking of all the tools over the last decade that have made communication easier...

I remember a time when the cellphone was a luxury and only for "rich" people... now most everyone has one. I remember when my friend first got broadband and I laughed at him for wasting $45/month when I could use my 14.4k dialup on aol for $10/month... now most everyone has broadband.

Communication advancements have dramatically revolutionized the world, yet we think nothing of it. Amazing, when you stop and think about it.